DVLBX - Flames (questions)

Hello @cytopia,

On way to propose a new plugin for devilbox/flames project, I’ve run the make lint command.
I’m suprised by results when checking syntax of all docker-compose.override.yml.
Look in the warning. Are we supposed to add the ---, or this is just an issue, because meta.yml requires it as header ?

Thanks for this script that help to check before send a PR


Example with Elastic plugin

# Checking flames/elastic/
[OK]  (avail)    README.md found
[OK]  (avail)    docker-compose.override.yml found
[OK]  (avail)    env-example found
[OK]  (avail)    meta.yml found
  1:1       warning  missing document start "---"  (document-start)

[OK]  (valid)    docker-compose.override.yml
[OK]  (valid)    meta.yml
[OK]  (valid)    env-example
[OK]  (meta.yml) devilbox_info key found
[OK]  (meta.yml) name key found
[OK]  (meta.yml) description key found
[OK]  (meta.yml) author key found
[OK]  (meta.yml) min_devilbox_version key found
[OK]  (meta.yml) tags key found
[OK]  (README)   Table entry found in main README.md

I’ve found origin of warning with yamllint command.

Default configuration used document-start: true that check for --- header (that is required by meta.yml file only)

See https://yamllint.readthedocs.io/en/stable/rules.html#module-yamllint.rules.document_start