How can i run perl script?

Hi everyone,

I use nginx-stable, php5.2 and mysql5.7

sorry for the question but i can’t figure out how to run the perl scripts, under the cgi-bin folder.
I have an old version of MovableType that I wanted to run under devilbox in order to understand what it is that would break if I update php and mysql.
The problem is that I can’t get the scripts to start, basically when I go to the path to go to the backend it makes me download the mt.cgi file …
How can i fix it?

You will have to configure nginx or apache to serve cgi files. I am myself am not familiar with setting up nginx or apache to servce perl, however, you can find a lot of information online, e.g. here:

Then of course the question is, how to configure this to work with the Devilbox web servers? You can use the vhost-gen templates to make all kinds of custom configuration to vhosts as described here: