I’m going to preface this with saying that I am new to using devilbox and docker, I am also not great at knowing how to provide all the correct things like error logs or anything like that because I don’t know where to get them…
But I am consistently getting the error "access denied for user ‘root’@‘’ when I try to connect to my database. I have connected to my database before and it worked just fine but recently it stopped letting me connect and I’ve tried restarting docker many times and that doesn’t help.
I went into my .env file and decided to try updating my MySQL server image from MYSQL_SERVER=mariadb-10.4 to MYSQL_SERVER=mariadb-10.6 and it did fix the error and allowed me to log into my database but all my databases were missing because they were created on the older version of MySQL. so I went back to 10.4 and tried to do a mysqldump-secure but get these errors:
cd path/to/devilbox
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d mysql
using your favorite MySQL client (MySQL Workbench, DBeaver, HeidiSQL, etc.) make a dump of your database WHITHOUT create schema option (only structure and data).