Laravel issue on windows 10

Hi, having a nightmare trying to create a laravel project following the instructions when doing an composer commands like ‘composer update’ getting gnutls_handshake() failed: Key **
** usage violation in **
** certificate has been detected.

   Failed to execute git clone --no-checkout 
  '/shared/httpd/laravel-test/laravel-project/vendor/doctrine/inflector' && cd '/shared/
  httpd/laravel-test/laravel-project/vendor/doctrine/inflector' && git remote add 
   'https://***:***' && git fetch composer && git 
  remote set
  -url origin '' && git remote set-url 

 Cloning into '/shared/httpd/laravel-test/laravel-project/vendor/doctrine/inflector'...
 fatal:***': gnutls_handshake() failed: Key 
 usage violation in 
 certificate has been detected.