But mysql container doesnot mount any accesable volume.
This means I must change docker-compose.yml
I try this:
1, mount percona volume to my container with installed percona tools ( bellow is test in php container: #Mount db logs
But I cannot read files:
devilbox@php-7.2.33 in /shared/httpd $ cat /var/percona/mysql-slow.log
cat: /var/percona/mysql-slow.log: Permission denied.
2, Mount mysql into devilbox/data - this is old way of devlil box mount mysql i thing this is not good
# Mount MySQL Data directory #- devilbox-{MYSQL_SERVER}:/var/lib/mysql:rw{MOUNT_OPTIONS}
- {DEVILBOX_PATH}/data/mysql-{MYSQL_SERVER}:/var/lib/mysql:rw${MOUNT_OPTIONS}
I dont want change docker-compose.yml, but there is no way i thing without change docker-compose.yml