Filter on Virtual Hosts page

When there are many projects on Virtual Hosts page it is nice to have a projects filter.
I implemented such a filter some time ago and now, I am sharing with you the code of vhosts.php page with this filter. Would be nice to have it by default in the next DevilBox versions.

Go to \devilbox\.devilbox\www\htdocs\vhosts.php and replace the code with this one:

<?php require '../config.php'; ?>
<?php loadClass('Helper')->authPage(); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

	<?php echo loadClass('Html')->getHead(true); ?>
	<script src=""></script>
	<script src="//"></script>
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

	<?php echo loadClass('Html')->getNavbar(); ?>

	<div class="container">

		<h1>Virtual Hosts</h1>
		<br />
		<br />

		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-md-12">
				<?php $vHosts = loadClass('Httpd')->getVirtualHosts(); ?>
				<?php if ($vHosts) : ?>
					<table id="myTable" class="table table-striped">
						<thead class="thead-inverse">
							$totals = 70;
							$filler = '&nbsp;';
							for ($i = 0; $i < $totals; $i++) {
								$filler = $filler . '&nbsp;';
							<?php foreach ($vHosts as $vHost) : ?>
									<td><?php echo $vHost['name']; ?></td>
									<td><?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR'); ?>/<?php echo $vHost['name']; ?>/<?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR'); ?></td>
										<a title="Virtual host: <?php echo $vHost['name']; ?>.conf" target="_blank" href="/vhost.d/<?php echo $vHost['name']; ?>.conf"><i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
										<?php if (($vhostGen = loadClass('Httpd')->getVhostgenTemplatePath($vHost['name'])) !== false) : ?>
											<a title="vhost-gen: <?php echo basename($vhostGen); ?> for <?php echo $vHost['name']; ?>" href="/info_vhostgen.php?name=<?php echo $vHost['name']; ?>"><i class="fa fa-filter" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
										<?php endif; ?>
									<td class="text-xs-center text-xs-small" id="valid-<?php echo $vHost['name']; ?>">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
									<td id="href-<?php echo $vHost['name']; ?>"><?php echo $filler; ?></td>
								<input type="hidden" name="vhost[]" class="vhost" value="<?php echo $vHost['name']; ?>" />
							<?php endforeach; ?>
				<?php else : ?>
					<h4>No projects here.</h4>
					<p>Simply create a directory in <strong><?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR'); ?></strong> on your host computer (or in <strong>/shared/httpd</strong> inside the php container).</p>
					<p><strong>Example:</strong><br /><?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR'); ?>/my_project</p>
					<p>It will then be available via <strong>http://my_project.<?php echo loadClass('Httpd')->getTldSuffix(); ?></strong></p>
				<?php endif; ?>
	</div><!-- /.container -->

	<?php echo loadClass('Html')->getFooter(); ?>
		// self executing function here
		(function() {
			// your page initialization code here
			// the DOM will be available here
			function updateStatus(vhost) {
				var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

				xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
					var error = '';
					var el_valid;
					var el_href;

					if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
						el_valid = document.getElementById('valid-' + vhost);
						el_href = document.getElementById('href-' + vhost);
						error = this.responseText;

						if (error.length && error.match(/^error/)) {
							el_valid.className += ' bg-danger';
							el_valid.innerHTML = 'ERR';
							el_href.innerHTML = error;
						} else if (error.length && error.match(/^warning/)) {
							el_valid.className += ' bg-warning';
							el_valid.innerHTML = 'WARN';
							el_href.innerHTML = error.replace('warning', '');
						} else {
				};'GET', '_ajax_callback.php?vhost=' + vhost, true);

			 * Check if DNS record is set in /etc/hosts (or via attached DNS server)
			 * for TLD_SUFFIX
			function checkDns(vhost) {
				var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
				var proto;
				var port;
				var name = vhost + '.<?php echo loadClass('Httpd')->getTldSuffix(); ?>'

				var url = window.location.href.split("/");
				var tmp = url[2].split(":");
				proto = url[0];
				port = tmp.length == 2 ? ':' + tmp[1] : '';

				// Timeout after XXX seconds and mark it invalid DNS
				xhttp.timeout = <?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT'); ?>000;

				xhttp.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
					var el_valid = document.getElementById('valid-' + vhost);
					var el_href = document.getElementById('href-' + vhost);
					var error = this.responseText;

					if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
						el_valid.className += ' bg-success';
						if (el_valid.innerHTML != 'WARN') {
							el_valid.innerHTML = 'OK';
						el_href.innerHTML = '<a target="_blank" href="' + proto + '//' + name + port + '">' + name + port + '</a>' + el_href.innerHTML;
					} else {
				}'POST', proto + '//' + name + port + '/devilbox-api/status.json', true);

				// Timeout to abort in 1 second
				var xmlHttpTimeout = setTimeout(ajaxTimeout, <?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT'); ?>000);

				function ajaxTimeout(e) {
					var el_valid = document.getElementById('valid-' + vhost);
					var el_href = document.getElementById('href-' + vhost);
					var error = this.responseText;

					el_valid.className += ' bg-danger';
					el_valid.innerHTML = 'ERR';
					el_href.innerHTML = 'No Host DNS record found. Add the following to <code>/etc/hosts</code>:<br/><code> ' + vhost + '.<?php echo loadClass('Httpd')->getTldSuffix(); ?></code>';


			var vhosts = document.getElementsByName('vhost[]');

			for (i = 0; i < vhosts.length; i++) {

		// DataTable
		$(document).ready(function() {
				"paging": false,
				"columns": [{
						"width": "20%"
						"width": "28%"
						"width": "47%"

I updated the code in my \devilbox\.devilbox\www\htdocs\vhosts.php, in Devilbox v3.0.0-beta-0.2

<?php require '../config.php'; ?>
<?php loadClass('Helper')->authPage(); ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		<?php echo loadClass('Html')->getHead(true); ?>
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src="//"></script>
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">

		<?php echo loadClass('Html')->getNavbar(); ?>

		<div class="container">

			<h1>Virtual Hosts</h1>

			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-md-12">
					<?php $vHosts = loadClass('Httpd')->getVirtualHosts(); ?>
					<?php if ($vHosts): ?>
						<table id="myTable" class="table table-striped">
							<thead class="thead-inverse">
								<?php foreach ($vHosts as $vHost): ?>
										<td><?php echo $vHost['name'];?></td>
										<td><?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR');?>/<?php echo $vHost['name'];?>/<?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR');?></td>
										<td><?php echo loadClass('Httpd')->getVhostBackend($vHost['name']); ?></td>
											<a title="Virtual host: <?php echo $vHost['name'];?>.conf" target="_blank" href="/vhost.d/<?php echo $vHost['name'];?>.conf"><i class="fa fa-cog" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
											<?php if (($vhostGen = loadClass('Httpd')->getVhostgenTemplatePath($vHost['name'])) !== false): ?>
												<a title="vhost-gen: <?php echo basename($vhostGen);?> for <?php echo $vHost['name'];?>" href="/info_vhostgen.php?name=<?php echo $vHost['name'];?>">
													<i class="fa fa-filter" aria-hidden="true"></i>
											<?php endif; ?>
										<td style="min-width:60px;" class="text-xs-center text-xs-small" id="valid-<?php echo $vHost['name'];?>"></td>
										<td style="min-width:260px;" id="href-<?php echo $vHost['name'];?>"></td>
									<input type="hidden" name="vhost[]" class="vhost" value="<?php echo $vHost['name'];?>" />
								<?php endforeach; ?>
					<?php else: ?>
						<h4>No projects here.</h4>
						<p>Simply create a directory in <strong><?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR');?></strong> on your host computer (or in <strong>/shared/httpd</strong> inside the php container).</p>
						<p><strong>Example:</strong><br/><?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR');?>/my_project</p>
						<p>It will then be available via <strong>http://my_project.<?php echo loadClass('Httpd')->getTldSuffix();?></strong></p>
					<?php endif;?>

			$cmd="netstat -wneeplt 2>/dev/null | sort | grep '\s1000\s' | awk '{print \"app=\"\$9\"|addr=\"\$4}' | sed 's/\(app=\)\([0-9]*\/\)/\\1/g' | sed 's/\(.*\)\(:[0-9][0-9]*\)/\\1|port=\\2/g' | sed 's/port=:/port=/g'";
			$daemons = array();
			foreach (preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $output) as $line) {
				$section = preg_split("/\|/", $line);
				if (count($section) == 3) {
					$tool = preg_split("/=/", $section[0]);
					$addr = preg_split("/=/", $section[1]);
					$port = preg_split("/=/", $section[2]);
					$tool = $tool[1];
					$addr = $addr[1];
					$port = $port[1];
					$daemons[] = array(
						'tool' => $tool,
						'addr' => $addr,
						'port' => $port
			<?php if (count($daemons)): ?>
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-md-12">

					<h2>Local listening daemons</h2>
					<table class="table table-striped">
						<thead class="thead-inverse">
								<th>Listen Address</th>
								<th>Listen Port</th>
							<?php foreach ($daemons as $daemon): ?>
									<td><?php echo $daemon['tool']; ?></td>
									<td><?php echo $daemon['addr']; ?></td>
									<td><?php echo $daemon['port']; ?></td>
									<td>php (</td>
							<?php endforeach; ?>
			<?php endif; ?>

		</div><!-- /.container -->

		<?php echo loadClass('Html')->getFooter(); ?>
		// self executing function here
		(function() {
			// your page initialization code here
			// the DOM will be available here

			function updateStatus(vhost) {
				var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

				xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
					var error = '';
					var el_valid;
					var el_href;

					if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 || this.status == 426) {
						el_valid = document.getElementById('valid-' + vhost);
						el_href = document.getElementById('href-' + vhost);
						error = this.responseText;

						if (error.length && error.match(/^error/)) {
							el_valid.className += ' bg-danger';
							el_valid.innerHTML = 'ERR';
							el_href.innerHTML = error;
						} else if (error.length && error.match(/^warning/)) {
							el_valid.className += ' bg-warning';
							el_valid.innerHTML = 'WARN';
							el_href.innerHTML = error.replace('warning', '');
						} else {
				};'GET', '_ajax_callback.php?vhost=' + vhost, true);

			 * Check if DNS record is set in /etc/hosts (or via attached DNS server)
			 * for TLD_SUFFIX
			function checkDns(vhost) {
				var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
				var proto;
				var port;
				var name = vhost + '.<?php echo loadClass('Httpd')->getTldSuffix();?>'

				var url = window.location.href.split("/");
				var tmp = url[2].split(":");
				proto = url[0];
				port = tmp.length == 2 ? ':' + tmp[1] : '';

				// Timeout after XXX seconds and mark it invalid DNS
				xhttp.timeout = <?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT');?>000;

				xhttp.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
					var el_valid = document.getElementById('valid-' + vhost);
					var el_href = document.getElementById('href-' + vhost);
					var error = this.responseText;

					if (this.readyState == 4 && (this.status == 200 || this.status == 426)) {
						el_valid.className += ' bg-success';
						if (el_valid.innerHTML != 'WARN') {
							el_valid.innerHTML = 'OK';
						//el_href.innerHTML = '(<a target="_blank" href="'+proto+'//localhost/devilbox-project/'+name+'">ext</a>) <a target="_blank" href="'+proto+'//'+name+port+'">'+name+port+'</a>' + el_href.innerHTML;
						el_href.innerHTML = '<a target="_blank" href="'+proto+'//'+name+port+'">'+name+port+'</a>';
					} else {
				}'POST', proto+'//'+name+port+'/devilbox-api/status.json', true);

				// Timeout to abort in 1 second
				var xmlHttpTimeout = setTimeout(ajaxTimeout, <?php echo loadClass('Helper')->getEnv('DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT');?>000);
				function ajaxTimeout(e) {
					var el_valid = document.getElementById('valid-' + vhost);
					var el_href = document.getElementById('href-' + vhost);
					var error = this.responseText;

					el_valid.className += ' bg-danger';
					el_valid.innerHTML = 'ERR';
					el_href.innerHTML = 'No Host DNS record found. Add the following to <code>/etc/hosts</code>:<br/><code> '+vhost+'.<?php echo loadClass('Httpd')->getTldSuffix();?></code>';


			var vhosts = document.getElementsByName('vhost[]');

			for (i = 0; i < vhosts.length; i++) {

// DataTable
		$(document).ready(function() {
				//"paging": false,				

This is the result:

1 Like

Thanks! I totally forgot about this one. I will have a look

Your Welcome!
I did not check if the pagination in this new version works, because on new computer I don’t have enough projects. I did not work on old version probably because of a JS conflict or something else…
Just in case, this is the DataTables website

Unfortunately the vhosts checks do not work on pages other than the first page

Yes, this is the issue which needs to be fixed, and for this reason I am using it without paging:

	"paging": false,				
1 Like