Need help debugging Bad Gateway No route to host while connecting to upstream

I’m new to devilbox, and could use some help.

Fresh install of devilbox windows wsl2 running the default .env copied.

docker-compose up

and try and view the dashboard i get a Bad Gateway error and error log:

  •  Bad Gateway
  • No route to host while connecting to upstream

or if switched to Apache

  • Service Unavailable 
  • Failed to make connection to backend

If I use:

docker-compose up php httpd bind mysql pgsql redis memcd mongo

everything works fine and i get the devilbox dashboard.

any idea what’s tripping me up with the plain docker-compose up like in the getting started?

UID and GID default are same as WSL2 users already checked that.
The minimal startup from the debugging tips works as does specifying everything i know to as shown above.
Have removed and recreated containers.